
Concar Trasporti is a leading company in the field of national and international road haulage and freight storage for third parties. Our company is proud to be ISO 9001 certified, which represents a tangible commitment to the quality and excellence of our services.

Our corporate policy is based on full compliance with industry regulations and meeting the needs of our customers. We work closely with our customers to understand their specific requirements and offer customized solutions that exceed their expectations.

Our goal is to provide an efficient, timely and safe transport and storage service, ensuring the maximum protection and integrity of the goods entrusted to us.

The ISO 9001 certification represents for us an important goal and a constant commitment to quality and excellence. We are proud to offer our customers the confidence and confidence to work with a company that has a well-defined and documented quality management system. By choosing Concar Trasporti, our customers can be assured of receiving professional, reliable and high-quality service at all stages of their transport and goods storage experience.

Download the ISO 9001:2015 certificate by clicking on the image. Please note that a Quality Policy is available annually reviewed. You can request it in the "CONTACTS" section

ACCREDIA   Concar 9001